This error could appear because of various reasons. For example, you are not signed in and connected to Xbox one, the game is purchased by some other family member and that person is not signed into the console or may be just a minor issue. Sometimes even a restart can do the trick, sometimes you may need to do a power cycle, hard reset or just a reinstall of the game. Here in this article, we will see few methods that might help you solving the problem with this error code.

Method 1: Power cycle Xbox one

Doing a simple power cycle can help fix the issue and take you out of trouble. Some users have reported that they were able to fix the issue by just doing a power cycle. You can follow below steps to do a power cycle. You are the lucky one if this fixes the issue for you.

Method 2: Check Xbox Live Status

This error could sometimes appear if all services are not up and running. Checking Xbox Live status can give you an idea if the services are up or not. Check Xbox live status. You might notice few alerts. If you see alerts, wait for all the services to be up and running. Once all are up, you can try the game again.

Method 3: Game is downloaded by some other family member

Sometimes the issue could just be a simple sign in issue. Check if some other family member had downloaded the game and he is not currently signed in. If this is the case, ask the family member who has downloaded the game to sign in. Once the person is signed in, set the Xbox one as the Home Console for the user who downloaded it.

Method 4: Hard Reset

Few users have reported that doing a Hard Reset fixed the issue for them. Restoring Xbox one to factory default setting will erase all accounts, setting, saved games and home Xbox association. Once you connect with the service, your Xbox live will automatically sync with your console. Anything that is not synced with Xbox Live, will be lost. In order to reset the console to factory default setting, follow below steps. You will be asked if you want “Reset and remove everything” or “Reset and Keep my games & apps” The Xbox one will be reset to Factory Default Settings.  Once Xbox live is synced with your console, try the game again. It should work.

Method 5:  Reinstall the Game

Some users have reported that reinstalling the game has fixed this issue for them. To reinstall the game, Hit the X on both searches in the app store and then reinstall the game

Method 6:  In case of download issues with Windows 10

Few users are unable to complete the download and hit the code 0x803f8001. Make sure your OS is up to date and graphics card drivers are updated as per below steps. Check Out If you are experiencing this error on Windows 10 Store whilst downloading apps.

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