In this article, I’ll guide you on how to restore your missing IMEI on both Qualcomm and Mediatek (MTK) versions of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3. You can verify whether your phone is Qualcomm or Mediatek based from CPU-Z. Before you continue with this guide, make sure your phone is rooted with an unlocked bootloader. You can do this by installing TWRP (Qualcomm/MTK) and then flashing SuperSU.

Method 1: Restoring IMEI on the Snapdragon Version

Copy the converted hex IMEI into the RF NC Manager fields at two characters per field.

Method 2: Restoring IMEI on the MTK Version

This is a fairly simple process as compared to the Qualcomm version. Mediatek phones have the tendency of being able to allow for IMEI modifications and are more prone to IMEI loss than Qualcomm variants.

How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 43How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 23How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 91How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 11How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 79How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 6How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 12How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 97How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 69How to Fix Lost IMEI on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 - 91