This nameless error code occurs frequently on PlayStation 4 consoles and it appears along with the message “An error has occurred”. This error usually appears when booting your PS4, usually at the beginning, when you try to sign in to your PSN profile or while settings up some of your settings. Follow some of the methods located below in order to fix this error completely.

Solution 1: Verify Your PSN Account

You will need to verify your email address which you used to set up your PS4 if you want to avoid this error code and gain access to certain things you were unable to use before you did this. This problem usually happens to users who have just purchased their console and they rushed to open it up without verifying their PSN account in the first place. Follow the set of steps below in order to fix this.

Note: If plenty of time has passed since you created your PSN account, the link in the email they sent you may have expired and you may need to request an additional one by logging into their website and clicking the Resend email button from the website.

Solution 2: Create Another Account with a Different Email

Since some users simply couldn’t verify their account because of certain issues with the PSN servers, a logical solution would be to simply create another account and use this one instead. If you have just purchased your console, this shouldn’t be a big deal since you won’t be losing any of your progress and it’s almost certain to fix your error code. Still, make sure you verify this new account in time.

Solution 3: Have a Friend Help You

This method was highly successful but it requires another PlayStation 4 console for it to work which means you should contact a friend or someone who possesses the PlayStation 4 console. The method is quite simple and it basically “fixes” your account by logging it into a different console, making it possible for you to use it without issues. The person who you contacted should log in with your account on their console. It’s the best if you are physically present and if you log in the account yourself as it’s the safest way of knowing whether your account has been compromised. After that, you should log in to your account on your own console and check to see if the issue has been fixed. Good luck!

Solution 4: Set the Privacy Settings to No One

This amazing fix originally appeared as a solution to a whole another problem regarding the PS4 console but certain users have tried it out regarding this problem and it has worked for them successfully. Changing the privacy settings to no one seems to have fixed the issue permanently and we recommend you try this out immediately.

Solution 5: Change Your DNS Settings

Try tweaking your Internet connection settings like this in order to avoid the error. This will change the DNS address of your Internet connection to the open DNS address made by Google specifically for cases like yours. However, the process is something that has helped plenty of people fix their error code but it appears sometimes the Google’s DNS was not enough. A simple Google search should be enough to point you to the right direction when it comes to the right open DNS address. Follow the instructions displayed in our other article in order to change the DNS address of your PlayStation 4. Make sure you check under Solution 5 from the article, under the PlayStation 4 Users section.

Solution 6: If You Are Receiving This Error In-Game

If this error is constantly booting your from the game you are trying to play and if there is no additional error code next to the error, you may want to consider the fix below as it’s simple and it has helped plenty of users with various games, most notably Rainbow Six Siege.

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