Checking for server issues

Before you try any of the fixes below, you should start by ensuring that the problem is not happening due to an issue beyond your control. This is a valid concern, especially if you are unable to join an online game at all (the error appears as soon as you try to go online). If this scenario is applicable, you should start by checking if Rockstar servers are currently experiencing outages on the platform where you’re attempting to play the game. Fortunately, there is one official service status page that you can inspect to see if there are any server problems with Red Dead Online. Access it from this link (here) and see if any services related to Red Dead Online are currently affected (colored with yellow or red). Note: In case you discover that the Red Dead Online server related to the platform of choice is experiencing problems, none of the potential fixes below will make a difference. The only thing you can do now is waiting for the Rockstar engineers to fix the problem. If this investigation reveals that there are no underlying issues with Rockstar servers, chances are one of the potential fixes below should allow you to resolve this issue.

Go Online via Story Mode

As it turns out, there is one workaround that a lot of players encountering the 0x20010006 error have ended up using successfully is to launch the multiplayer mode directly from the Story menu (from the main game’s menu). You can do this easily by pausing the game and accessing the Online menu from the left-hand section of the screen. Several affected users that were not able to join an online game conventionally have confirmed that this approach finally allowed them to play Red Dead only. Try it and see if it allows you to circumvent the 0x20010006 error. In case you still end up seeing the same error code, move down to the next potential fix below.

Restarting or Resetting your Router

As it’s been confirmed by several affected users, this problem can also be facilitated by an inconsistency that has to do with how the DNS and IP are fetched for the device you’re attempting to play the game on. Most affected users that have dealt with this problem have reported that the issue was fixed after they rebooted their router or after they performed a reset. If you think this scenario might be applicable, you should start simple with a simple reboot. This operation will refresh the IP and DNS that are being used by the device you’re using to play Red Dead Online without overriding any custom settings that you previously established. To perform a simple router reset, simply turn your router off, disconnect it from the power outlet and wait for at least 30 seconds in order to ensure that the power capacitors are completely drained. After you restart your router, attempt to connect to an online game again and see if the problem is now resolved. If this doesn’t work, go for a router reset by pressing and holding the dedicated button on the back for at least 10 seconds or until you see the front LEDs flashing at the same time. Note: Keep in mind that this operation might reset some custom settings that you previously established (this might included custom router login credentials or forwarded ports. In case you tried resetting your router but you’re still getting random disconnects in Red Dead Online with the same error code (0x20010006), move down to the next potential fix below.

Using a VPN to filter your connection (PC Only)

In case you are encountering the issue on a PC, you should also consider filtering your connection through a VPN and see if the game becomes more stable. This might seem like a weird fix, but a lot of affected users have reported that their connectivity issues have all but disappeared after they resorted to using a VPN client. This seems to suggest that the 0x20010006 error is somehow facilitated by some ISPs (Internet Service Providers). If you think this scenario is applicable, you should try installing a VPN client and see if that fixes your connectivity problem with Red Dead Online. You should start by trying out a free VPN client since you don’t know for sure whether this fix will be effective. Here are some VPN services that include a free plan or free trials:


In case you already tried using a VPN or it didn’t make a difference or you’re not encountering the issue on a PC, move down to the next potential fix below.

Enabling UPnP in router settings

You can also expect to see this issue in case your router is incapable of forwarding the ports used by Red Dead Online automatically – In most cases, this problem will occur with older routers or with routers where UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is disabled. If you suspect that UPnP might be disabled in your router settings, the procedure below should allow you to enable this option and ensure that every port that’s actively being used by Red Dead Online on PC, Xbox One or Ps4 is properly forwarded. Here’s what you need to do: Note: Depending on your router’s manufacturer, the screens you see might be different. If the same problem still appears, move down to the next potential fix below.

Forwarding the ports used by Red Dead Online manually

If you’re using a fairly old router that doesn’t know how to do UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), you will need to forward the ports manually in order to ensure that Red Dead Online is able to receive incoming network requests. A lot of affected users have confirmed that this operation was the only thing that allowed them to finally play the game without having to face constant 0x20010006 error codes. Note: Keep in mind that depending on your router manufacturer, the instructions below, and the name of the option you’ll end up seeing will be different. But if this scenario seems like it could be applicable, start following the instructions below to forward the ports that are being used by Red Dead Online: In case you still get disconnected with the 0x20010006 error code, move down to the next potential fix below

Using Google DNS

If none of the potential fixes above have work, one last thing you can try is to change the default DNS (domain name servers) that are being used by your PC or console to public DNS provided by Google. This fix was confirmed to be effective on both Xbox One and PC. In case your problem is being facilitated by incorrect default DNS, the instructions below should allow you to resolve the issue. But keep in mind that depending on your platform of choice, the instructions on changing the default DNS to Google’s DNS will be different. To accommodate every user base, we created 3 separate guides – one for PS4, one for Xbox One, and one for PC. Follow whichever guide applies to the platform where you’re encountering the 0x20010006 error code on.

Using Google DNS on PS4

Using Google DNS on Xbox One

Using Google DNS on PC

Whitelisting the Solo Lobby tool (if applicable)

In case you are into modding and are using the Solo Lobby program on PC, the reason you might experience random 0x20010006 disconnects is due to a series of Windows Firewall inbound and outbound rules that end up blocking communications between your local installation and the Rockstar server. Several affected users that were struggling with the same thing have confirmed that they managed to fix the problem by accessing the Windows Firewall settings and deleting the inbound and outbound rules associated with the solo lobby program. If this scenario is applicable, follow the instructions below to whitelist the Solo Lobby tool in order to stop the 0x20010006 disconnects:

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