The error also appears when trying to access Microsoft apps such as Settings, Photos, Mail, Calendar, etc. The problem can be quite annoying but users have reported that there are several useful methods which can be used to get rid of the problem. Good luck in following the solutions below!

What Causes the WerFault.exe Application Error on Windows?

The problem is usually related to the Windows Error Reporting Service and it should be the first stop to check for problems. Still, we have made a full list of possible causes in order for you to find your own scenario easily!

Solution 1: Restart the Windows Error Reporting Service

Since the WerFault.exe executable is related to the Windows Error Reporting Service, restarting the whole service has proven to be quite useful when it comes to troubleshooting this problem. This is the number one solution you should try out when troubleshooting this problem so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Windows could not start the Windows Error Reporting Service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process. If this happens, follow the instructions below to fix it.

Solution 2: Update Windows to the Latest Version

The latest versions of Windows 10 seem to have resolved this problem for good as long as it wasn’t caused by third-party programs. Updating your operating system to the latest version is always helpful when it comes to dealing with similar errors and users have reported that the latest Windows 10 versions actually deal with this problem in specific.

Solution 3: Refresh the System While Keeping the Files

If you are using Windows 10, a re-install is no longer a thing to be afraid of, but rather a fix and a reasonably easy method to perform if you start experiencing a serious error such as the “WerFault.exe Application Error” error message. This can be fixed by a clean install but you should definitely try the method above before deciding to proceed with this method.

Solution 4: Update BIOS

Updating BIOS may be an odd way of resolving the problem but users have reported that it has helped them. Note that the process differs from one manufacturer to another so make sure you take that into account.

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