There are several ways of disabling the camera access for apps on your system. We have included, the default method, which is by configuring the privacy settings in the Windows settings. There is also the Group Policy Editor option which does the same job with additional options. Also, there is a Registry Editor method because Group Policy Editor is not available in the Windows Home edition.
Disabling Camera Access for Apps through Windows Settings
Most of the common and required settings can be found in the Windows Settings. This is easy to open and the default way for configuring the camera access for applications. The user just needs to modify the toggle option from On to Off. Follow the below steps to check how it works and what are other options available there:
Disabling Camera Access for Apps through the Local Group Policy Editor
This policy comes in the section of the Windows components. The Local Group Policy Editor has all of the settings for your operating system. It is pretty easy to configure a setting in the Group Policy Editor without any risk and issues. It also provides the additional option that you can configure in this specific setting. If you are using a Windows 10 Home Edition, then skip to the Registry Editor method. However, If you have the Local Group Policy Editor on your system, then follow the below steps to try it out:
Disabling Camera Access for Apps through Registry Editor
Registry Editor is available in all versions of Windows. Everything that a user can do in the Local Group Policy Editor can also be done in the Registry Editor. However, the user will have to create the missing key/value for the specific setting. Also, if you are not sure about using the Registry Editor, then create a backup of your registry by the export feature in it. Follow the below steps to make it work:
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