Now the question arises that why do you need to record your presentations in the first place. Well, imagine a scenario in which you are a professor at an educational institution. Your students are so used to your lectures that they cannot imagine anyone else delivering the lectures in your place even for a single day. You plan to take a leave from your work, sit back at home and relax but you are worried that your students will suffer. Fortunately, you do not need to get worried anymore because PowerPoint is right there at your service. With the help of PowerPoint, you can simply prepare your lecture slides and then record the slide show while adding your audio explanations to it. In this way, your students can enjoy your lecture in the same way as if you would have been physically there to deliver the lectures. The biggest advantage of recording a PowerPoint presentation is that each slide is separately recorded. Therefore, if you feel the need for modifying the recording of any slide, you can do it very easily without having the need of modifying or recreating the whole presentation. In this article, we will explain to you the method through which you can record a PowerPoint presentation.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation?

In this method, we will tell you how you can record an already existing (you can also create a new one for this purpose if you want) PowerPoint presentation. For doing this, you will need to perform the following steps: In this way, you can conveniently record your PowerPoint presentations while adding the desired audio or video snippets to them by following just a few simple steps.

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