Splitting cells in Microsoft Excel is a pretty simple procedure. Here’s how you can split cells in Microsoft Excel:

How to split a single merged cell into multiple cells

On Microsoft Excel 2000: On newer versions of Microsoft Excel:

How to split the contents of one unmerged cell into two or more cells

Apart from splitting an already merged cell into however many cells it is made up of, Microsoft Excel is also capable of divvying up the contents of a single, unmerged cell into two or more cells. Excel divides the contents of one cell into multiple cells using a formula that the user specifies according to their needs. To split the contents of one unmerged cell into two or more cells, you need to: Note: Splitting the contents of one unmerged cell into multiple cells overwrites the contents of the next cell to the very right of the selected cell. That being the case, you should make sure that the cell to the right of the cell whose contents you’re splitting is empty.

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