Audacity is including every most used library as a built-in with the latest version updates. Recently Audacity added the LAME MP3 Encoder as a built-in within the latest version of Audacity. Now users do not need to install the LAME library anymore. There is a possible chance that they will include the FFmpeg Library as built-in in the upcoming version of Audacity. However, for now, you can use the below method to install the FFmpeg Library in Audacity.
Installing FFmpeg Library in Audacity
Most of the libraries are already built-in with Audacity. The FFmpeg library allows Audacity to import and export large audio files. The formats that require this library are M4A (AAC), AMR, WMA, and AC3. However, some libraries like FFmpeg will still require the installation in Audacity. If you open the FFmpeg library in preference of Audacity, it will ask to locate the ‘avformat-55.dll‘ file to make this library work. There is no ‘avformat-55.dll‘ file in the Audacity folder. A user is required to download this library from the internet so that it can provide the DLL file to Audacity.
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