According to his video (jump to the 5:20 mark if you wanna dive right into the Apple Glass leaks), Apple would call it the Apple Glass. Simple as that. He claims that since it would be a first-generation product, it won’t be some stand-alone device. Instead, just like the first generation of wearables, this would be paired to users’ iPhones (sorry Android users) and push data from them.

The Apple Glass

Now, the interesting bit comes in where he claims that he has actually seen a prototype for the smart glasses and says that he is actually looking for a legal agreement to share that footage with the world. There is a slim chance he’d be able to do that though, considering the legal debacle he may face from Apple’s legal team. Despite that, he discusses what he saw first hand. According to him, it was an all-plastic frame which he claims that might change till the final product launch. As for an additional feature, the glasses support a LiDAR sensor on them, this would definitely be for the AR snippets on the data displayed on them. It won’t support any cameras to protect users’ privacy. The glasses are charged on a plastic lens. The information HUD would be called Starboard, a reference to the Springboard found on iOS devices. Users can interact with the glasses by using gestures. As for the pricing, Apple, according to the leaks would be pricing these rather leniently. He claimed that these may go for $499 plus the cost for prescription lenses if there is. For the availability, it was first thought that Apple would announce these somewhere around the iPhone 12 event but Apple needs an audience. Due to the COVID-19 spread, this may be delayed and the launch as well.