According to a recent article posted on the Verge, Microsoft has officially stopped Xbox One X and Xbox One S All-Digital Edition from production. This is their way to prepare their productions lines, perhaps, for the upcoming consoles. The article claims that shortages of the consoles have been there for quite some time now but this official statement confirms the reason. Now, there can be a couple of “legitimate” reasons as to why the company chose to go this route. One can be that they want to completely focus on the upcoming Series X and the budget model Series S which may use the same production line as the existing consoles. Another reason for this shift may be to get people to buy the new consoles for the holiday season. As mentioned previously, people usually take this time to go for the older ones which drop in value. These consoles work fine but with the newer edition, are “old” now. So, if you find a current-generation console like the One X, grab it. Chances are prices are gonna hike and you can flip it over for a profit. If not, then grab it for yourself because the prices go crazy. Meanwhile, we may see the Xbox Series X and or S in the coming month or two.