Microsoft took a chance with its new Surface Earbuds and apparently, the software giant has been pretty much successful in attracting users. However, as some early adopters have now started to use their new Surface Earbuds, people are complaining that the product is plagued with weird issues. As spotted by Dr. Windows, many users took to Microsoft Community forums [1, 2, 3] to report a hissing and popping sound. Someone explained the problem in the following manner: “Same problem: As soon as the earbuds amplifier is on, this constant noise starts and is very annoying especially at low levels. Tried them with Surface Pro and Iphone, same result. It is in my knowledge a unique case (not happening with my Sennheiser Momentum or my Airpods Pro). It is a shame because apart from this problem, they are very good, very comfortable. I was ready to use them on a daily basis. I hope this issue can be fixed with a firmware update otherwise I do not want to use them with this background noise, it’s not acceptable.”

A Fix Could Be On Its Way Soon

Dr. Windows noted that the hissing noise has been present since users updated their Earbuds to version While the actual reason behind this issue remains unknown, a user claimed that it could be caused by the amplifier in the Surface Earbuds. However, considering the hefty amount people have paid for the Microsoft Surface Earbuds, this issue is unacceptable for them. According to the comments on online forums, people are even planning to return their Surface Earbuds. Fortunately, it is not a widespread problem and Microsoft is already working on a fix. “We apologize for the troubles you have to go through with the pop/hiss sound on your Surface Earbuds. We have raised this to our team internally. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and we will get back to you as soon as we get updates on this,” a Microsoft Agent wrote on Microsoft Community forums. If you are on the same boat and still want to keep your Earbuds, you may need to wait a couple of weeks to get the next firmware update. Have you experienced this problem with their Surface Earbuds? Let us know in the comments down below.