Normally, Steam only grants refunds if the playtime doesn’t exceed two hours and it has been under two weeks since the game was purchased. However, Psyonix asked Valve to permit Rocket League refunds to anyone who has played on either Mac or Linux. Unfortunately, there were some hiccups, as users reported getting their refund claims denied, even after manual review. “That process did not work as planned, and we’re sorry for the frustration this has caused for anyone involved,” writes Psyonix. “At this time, anyone who has played Rocket League on macOS or Linux can contact Valve about a refund for the base game, and the refund should go through.” Follow the steps below to submit a refund request:

Go to the Steam Support websiteSelect PurchasesSelect Rocket League (you may need to select “View complete purchasing history” to see it)Select I would like a refund, then I’d like to request a refundFrom the Reason dropdown menu, select My issue isn’t listedIn notes, write “Please refund my Mac/Linux version of Rocket League, Psyonix will be discontinuing support.”

Psyonix’s decision to discontinue support for Rocket League on Mac and Linux isn’t unwarranted. The studio claims that both platforms represent “less than 0.3%” of the total players. After the final update in March, players can still use tools such as Wine and Proton to continue playing online, though do note that these aren’t officially supported. Alternatively, owners of the game can simply download and install the game on a Windows PC without having to pay again.