While all eyes were set on Apex Legends and its upcoming new hero Seer, something else was apparently cooking in Respawn’s backburner. As promoted on Twitter by creative director Mohammad Alivi, the studio was confirmed to be hiring for a new single-player game.

— Badmofo | Mohammad Alavi (@iambadmofo) July 22, 2021 “We’re developing a brand new singleplayer adventure from Respawn Entertainment,” Alivi says, adding, “We’re a small, but ambitious team with a history of dreaming big and making splashes.” The posting calls for four unfilled positions: lead technical game designer, senior technical game designer, senior combat designer and senior level designer.

A title in ‘early stages’

Little else is known about the new single-player adventure, apart from the fact that the game is currently in its earliest stages and that new hires will have “a direct hand in shaping a new game from the ground up.” Respawn’s last venture into single-player territory was a massive success for Electronic Arts, so much so that the company has seemingly pulled away from its former mantra that “single player games are dead.” Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a single-player game set in the Star Wars universe and developed by Respawn Entertainment, was played by over 20 million people across different platforms, from consoles to PC. It was a big success overall for the company despite lacking the regular flavoring you would get from EA titles like predatory lootboxes and microtransactions. Although Electronic Arts is currently now not sharing any news with regards to its future Star Wars titles after losing exclusivity to the franchise, but there will be more single-player games to look forward to. Just recently, it has successfully released Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a remake of the first three Mass Effect games which were very well-received titles. EA also released a short teaser of their upcoming Mass Effect remake during EA Play Live, an announcement that was very well-received by many fans of the series. The remake will be handled by Motive, who last developed Star Wars Squadrons, and it will be remade in EA’s proprietary Frostbite engine.