Valorant Flash Exploit?
This new exploit was capable of disabling the flash effect for a player. This means users who use flash were unable to gain the visual advantage that comes with using the grenade. According to information provided by Dot Esports, numerous players had noticed that Valorant allowed players to disable the flash effect via settings available in the game’s menu. Riot made the right move to disable competitive matchmaking as this single exploit could potentially ruin the gaming experience as well as the competitive atmosphere of the game with just one single visual bug. The exploit garnered a lot of attention on the internet. This bug allowed players to completely negate the effects of a flash ability either from an ally or from the enemy team. Players could simply enable the exploit by heading over to general settings during a match, scrolling down to the Other Category, and enabling “Hide User Interface In Game”. But there wasn’t any information shared if the exploit negated effects like nearsighted or concussed or for what duration the exploit remained active in competitive matchmaking. Riot games were quick to tackle the exploit and disabled competitive matchmaking within two hours of discovering the exploit. Riot also proceeded to share a Tweet from the official Valorant account where they announced the disabling of competitive matchmaking until the issue was patched and resolved. But the report declares that Riot Games has fixed the exploit and has finally turned competitive matchmaking back on. The blinding effect on flashes no longer bugs out when the user interface is disabled, according to the report.
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) August 10, 2022 The issue is now resolved and competitive matchmaking has resumed normally once again. That’s pretty much it for the Valorant flash exploit story. We upload daily on Appuals so tune in next time for more exciting news. Till then, see you later and goodbye!