According to a report from XDA developers, it will be the first processor to take advantage of ARM’s new Cortex X1 Super Core which will definitely give it a considerable performance advantage compared to its predecessor. Earlier leaks point towards a sizeable frequency difference between the high-end Cortex cores (running at 3.1GHz) and the X1 Super Core (running at 3.4GHz) while maintaining a favorable temperature. It will obviously be fabricated on TSMC’s new 5nm process, same as the case with the A14 Bionic chip. We know that Qualcomm usually ships its processors during the first half of next year, with Galaxy S to be the first device to feature the new processor. This time around, Qualcomm will be debuting its processor with its own device. According to a report from DigiTimes, Asus and Qualcomm are developing a device together, which will probably be the first device to feature the Snapdragon 875 processor. One can easily infer that it will be another device in the gaming section but with Qualcomm’s expertise in the mix. Asus will be responsible for the hardware and design of the device while Qualcomm will look into the software side, specifically the software optimization of the Snapdragon 875. It will probably be the only chance where Qualcomm will be able to rival the performance of the contemporary Apple rival. A14 Bionic chip has already awwed the users and reviewers of the iPad 14. Lastly, it is expected that Qualcomm may try to release the device at the end of this year or the very beginning of the coming year. If executed perfectly, it would be a perfect chance to capture the attention of early adopters.