Denuvo DRM Set to Feature in Sonic Frontiers

We got to see Sonic running across various stages at Gamescom’s Opening Night Live event, including large levels, and open areas that we’ve observed in previous footage. We even got to see a few mysterious characters including a cute little creature, more robotic enemies, and a mysterious foe associated with them. We also saw Amy in the game which means some or just one of the Sonic characters is coming to the game. Players that pre-order the game will get tons of in-game goodies known as an Adventurers treasure box. In addition, it was leaked that Denuvo was coming to the game as well, which stirred up a lot of controversy in the fanbase. Later, we got word that Denuvo was not in fact coming to the title which relieved some fans. But now, it has been confirmed from the Steam page that Sonic Frontiers features Denuvo DRM.  So, what does Denuvo do, and why are gamers raising concerns about it coming to Sonic Frontiers? Basically, Denuvo is an anti-piracy software that game developers use to stop individuals from sharing games over the internet. What fans don’t like about Denuvo is that it significantly affects game performance across the border according to many tests. While no anti-piracy solution is perfect, Denuvo promises to provide game developers with the longest crack-free window. This means developers can rely on Denuvo to halt the piracy of a specific title for a prolonged period of time till the game sales finally saturate. After Denuvo launched, it became a bit of a race to figure out who would be the first to crack Denuvo. The DRM was first launched back in 2014 and it remains an anti-piracy software to this day. While Denuvo delays piracy for weeks, months, or a year, that’s not always the case as Rage 2 and Devil May Cry V were both cracked on their launch days. Even if you ask around ten people about Denuvo, you’ll get at least eleven different opinions from them. The most common reason gamers give is that Denuvo causes significant reductions in the framerate of games, thus diminishing the overall experience. While players argue that Denuvo still causes or doesn’t cause performance issues. We don’t exactly know. 

Denuvo DRM Coming to Nintendo Switch Emulators Too

Although Denuvo hasn’t been a fan favorite for privates or anyone for that matter, it works and it gets the job done for game developers and now Denuvo is making some big moves in the gaming industry. It was announced today that Denuvo is working on a Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection software and it’s meant to prevent gamers from playing pirated roms of Nintendo Switch games on the PC. The Nintendo Switch Emulator helps PC users to easily bypass the switch’s anti-piracy measures but Denuvo’s Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection Software aims to stop that. The Protection Software claims that players will not experience any dips in their emulated gaming as the technology is incorporated seamlessly into the build toolchain.  So, players might have to purchase legitimate copies of Nintendo games to run them on their PCs via Nintendo Switch Emulators due to the new form of emulator DRM. What a world we live in. This will certainly bring down the amount of piracy that happens with Nintendo Switch Games and provide a solution to developers in terms of generating long-term revenue that would otherwise be lost due to piracy. Fans are having mixed feelings about Denuvo coming to Sonic Frontiers, or maybe pirates for that matter. We don’t know if Denuvo will significantly affect performance on PC or not. It’s been almost ten years since it came out so hopefully, the DRM software company has ironed out the kinks till now. We know that piracy negatively affects the gaming industry but we haven’t been provided any clear-cut evidence on this matter. Fans who love the game will definitely buy it and the person that doesn’t make enough won’t buy the game in the first place but will definitely buy it. The only outliers are players trying to save a few dollars, and it certainly can’t be a majority. Piracy is illegal but is also a controversial issue in the gaming community. And as for Sonic Frontiers. It’s getting Denuvo DRM and it’s a fact. Maybe the game will be cracked on launch day or maybe it will remain uncracked indefinitely. Who knows? We just hope to get to play the game on time when the game launches and get some decent performance out of the title. That’s all that matters. Sonic Frontiers is coming pretty soon to multiple platforms such as The Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox Series S|X, PS4, and PS5. And that’s pretty much it for today’s news. Do you think it’s a good idea for Denuvo DRM to be included in Sonic Frontiers or any game for that matter? Will it affect the performance of the game? Let us know in the comments below. We upload daily on Appuals. So stay tuned for more. Till then, see you later and goodbye!  

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