As it turns out, Steam has to be the most popular platform when it comes down to video games on Windows. While the app works flawlessly most of the time, there are scenarios where it can stumble up an issue such as Steam failing to start up. The problem in question is usually caused when a third-party application on your system interferes with the network connectivity on your system. In addition to that, Intel Killer drivers have also been known to give rise to the question mentioned. With that said, let us get started and show you the different methods that you can use to resolve the problem in question without any further ado. 

Disable Network Boost in Lenovo Vantage Software (if applicable) 

The first thing that you should do when you come across the problem in question is to disable the Network Boost option in the Lenovo Vantage software. As it turns out, Lenovo Vantage is an application that can be installed on your Lenovo devices as it makes the process of installing and updating drivers on your computer easier. In addition to that, you are able to run system diagnostics via the app for what it is worth. Network boost is an option that allows you to restrict network usage for any other app running in the background while you are trying to play a game. However, this can sometimes cause issues as well with the game that you are playing. As such, you should disable the option in case you have Lenovo Vantage installed. To do this, follow the instructions given down below:

Limit Network Bandwidth

As it turns out, if you are coming across the network disconnection issue while trying to download a game on Steam, it can sometimes be due to the client using up all of the juice. In such a scenario, what you can do is to limit the network bandwidth that is used by Steam. To do this, follow the instructions given down below:

Disable IPv6 

In some cases, the problem can also originate due to your network adapter properties. As per some user reports, various users have resolved the problem for them by disabling Internet Protocol Version 6 in their network adapter properties. As such, you can give this a try as well to see if that gets you any results. To do this, follow the instructions provided down below:

Uninstall Intel Killer Drivers

Finally, if none of the methods above have fixed the problem for you, then it is very likely that the issue is being caused by the Intel Killer drivers that you have installed on your computer. Intel Killer is a line of ethernet and wireless adapters from Intel that you might be using on your system.  As it turns out, there have been reports of the Intel Killer drivers causing such connectivity issues in certain cases. As such, you will have to uninstall the drivers and let Windows install generic drivers instead in order to fix the problem. To do this, follow the instructions that are given down below:

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