Was originally May, then got pushed to June, now pushed again. “Just Black” & “Barely Blue” Current plan for announcement:July 13 BTW – just 4G. (Sorry to kill the 5G rumors) Seems like they’re ready to ship. The decision is mostly based on market analysis. — Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) May 21, 2020 Looking over the contents of the tweet, we first go over the launch date. According to Jon, and his sources, the launch was pushed to June and now it has been pushed ahead again. He believes that the current plan is to announce the device sometime in July (July 13, according to him). He also adds that there will only be two colors for the device, although I liked the panda white color too. These are Just Black and Barely Blue. While that is the case and a lot of consumers won’t be bummed out by the colors, there is another development. According to Jon’s tweet, the device won’t have 5G compatibility. There were a bunch of rumors floating around this idea but Jon has put them all to rest. Perhaps this is some measure from Google to cut the cost. Meanwhile, if you think about it, even budget phones offer 5G support, so Google doesn’t get a pass on that. He suspends the tweet by adding that while Google has it’s stock ready, it is because of the market analysis that they are not announcing/launching.