What is a MOBI File?

MOBI file is a format for eBooks that is originally used by Mobipocket reader. It is now also supported by several different eBook readers. It will have a .mobi extension and it may contain DRM copyright protection to prevent unauthorized viewing and copying. This is an outdated format that can only be found on the older eBooks. This format was discontinued in January 2011. However, the current Kindle formats are based on MOBI. Even though this format isn’t generated anymore, most of the Kindle devices can still open MOBI files. A user just needs to send their MOBI files to their Kindle devices via email or USB transfer. However, if you don’t have a Kindle device and trying to open MOBI files on a different device, then you can check the below examples of opening MOBI files.

Opening MOBI File in Windows

Most of the common eBook formats can be opened in the default applications like browsers and word processors. However, there are some formats like MOBI and others that require a specific program to run. They cannot be opened even in a popular program like Acrobat Reader. Users need to download the program through which they can open the MOBI files. Follow the below steps to open the MOBI files in Windows:

Opening MOBI File in Android

Nowadays, phones are used quite often to read eBooks rather than other devices. It is easy to use and a portable device for accessing eBooks anytime anywhere.  Some of the best eBook applications may not have the option of reading MOBI files. However, there are few eBook readers that can open the MOBI files on Android. We are going to show you the steps through the eReader Prestigio application.

How to Convert PDF to MOBI?FIX: Couldn’t open the file because the file type isn’t supportedFix: Source file names are larger than is supported by the file systemFix: Cannot Create a File When That File Already Exists What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 80What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 22What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 77What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 12What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 5What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 94What is a MOBI File and How to Open it  - 33