The Most Dangerous Writing App, is a web application to help you brainstorm in a very different way. It will give you a time constraint to help you write better. And if you stop writing, all that you have written vanishes away in thin air.  Yes, you read me right. You can set up a time at the beginning of your writing session which is your ‘session length’. And if you pause in between your writing session for a very long period. Let’s go through the basics of how this website works. The purpose for such applications is not to put you down, but to help you become better at what you do, and in this case, it is your writing that is being polished. More than your writing, it is how you manage your time writing that is being improved.

Things to Take Under Consideration When Using The Most Dangerous Writing App

Since you are a writer, or even if you are not, being a student or someone who just has to write, you would want to avoid using this app for serious business like research papers and essays because you will probably lose everything that you have written if you stop for a long period of time. And by long here, it could mean less than a minute. Say, for instance, assuming you’re a research writer and are writing something while researching for it on the internet, by the time you go to another browser to look for something useful, there are a lot of chances that you will lose everything that you had written till this moment. And I know how frustrating that would be because it is not an easy task to write a well-researched research paper.

What Kind of Writing Pieces Should be Used for This App

If you plan to design an entire article on The Most Dangerous Writing App, then you might want to rethink your decision because this application, in my opinion, should only be used when you want to try to improve your writing timing and the thinking process. Writing an entire article on this app makes everything very risky as you probably will lose all of it within the blink of an eye and I am sure you don’t want that. Instead, use this application for brainstorming. Write sample pieces here to see how well you can do in 3-10 minutes of sessions. And how fats you can type. Challenge your abillity to complete a certain word limit within the time given and see how good you can do. This will be very helpful for you as a writer.

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