The result of these tireless efforts was Desktop Computers. Although, the desktops offered a very compact size than the mainframes and supercomputers and a greatly enhanced performance but portability was still missing. Since a desktop computer could only work if it was continuously supplied with the electric power, hence you cannot move it here and there without the cables. That was the time when laptops came into play and completely revolutionized the way computer systems used to work in the past. Laptops offered portability that was missing in the early designs of the computer systems by providing the users with the ability to work on battery power. Moreover, their compact size immediately grabbed the user’s attention. However, their speed and performance were quite comparable with the desktop PCs but the portability factor was the major reason behind the laptops taking over the PCs.

The Downside of Laptops- Upgradation is quite challenging:

Since laptops offered some of the greatest and most attractive services that, no other computing model has ever done before therefore, people often overlook the demerits associated with their usage. However, you might have heard people saying that “The upgradation of a laptop is way more difficult than that of a PC”. Therefore, today we will have a look at the reasons behind this. We will try to sum up the reasons behind this question in the following points:

What should you do?

Well, we have to understand this thing that whenever we opt to follow our choices, we have to compromise on one thing or the other. We cannot have all our desires fulfilled every time. Same is the case when you get to choose between a desktop PC and a laptop. There are certain pros and cons associated with both which you will have to keep in mind while making this decision. If you are willing to give up on the following two factors i.e. portability and the compact size, then there is absolutely nothing to think about rather than making your decision in favor of the desktop computers because after all, they offer you a very high level of flexibility when it comes to the upgradation of your machine. However, if these two factors are the only things that you are looking for in your machine then you have no choice but to get a laptop for yourself.

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